Dahil New Year... Part 2
Isa pa!

1. You're thinking about someone, aren't you?
- yes
2. Does the last person you kissed hate you? Why?
- no, my nephew loves me! :)
3. What does your hair look like?
- it's shorter now and has dark brown color that wears off after sometime
4. What would you do if your best friend of the opposite sex liked you?
- nothing especially if I don't like him back :D
5. How many people do you trust?
- very few
6. Why did your last relationship end?
- it's a secret I'll never tell...xoxo..haha!
7. Are you happy with your life?
- yes
8. If you could go back in time, would you?
- yup, I want to find out what could have happened if I made another decision in major things in my life
9. How far back would you go?
- as far as the time when I already had the courage to decide on my own ;)
10. This time last year, do you remember who you were dating or who you liked?
- of course, it's the same person I'm with now and more than three years back
11. Last thing you did before bed last night?
- net surfing
12. Ever liked anyone on your top friends?
- hmmm
13. Anything bothering you?
- yes
14. If you could have anything, what would it be?
- materially speaking, Olympus 1050 SW camera! haha! kidding aside, I've always wanted real joy...
15. What's your favorite place you've been to?
- my room
16. Do you go to school?
- not anymore but I want to (for master's)
17. Last time you cried?
- secret :D
18. Is green your favorite color?
- nope, blue!
19. Do you have a friend that you've known since you were little?
- of course, a lot
20. Do you have work out videos?
- none
21. Are you dating the very last person you kissed?
- the last person I kiss was my nephew!
22. Your best friend likes your last ex, you say?
- go for the gold! hahaha!
23. Do you still talk to the first person you ever made out with?
- tigilan na ang kalokohang ito! hahaha!
24. What clothes were you wearing during your last kiss?
- isa pa to! di pa clear yung question! :D
25. What hoodie did you wear last?
- light blue sweater
26. When did you last go to the beach?
- last November 21-24, 2008 in Bohol
27. Do you sleep on your stomach?
- how is it done? :D
28. Are you ticklish?
- sobra! haha!
29. How are you feeling at this very moment?
- still wide awake because of so much sleep during the day :D
30. Are you someone who worries too often?
- in some ways yes
31. What are you excited about?
- nothing really
21. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
- no, probably asleep already...hehe!
22. Is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now?
- yes
23. Do you know a few people that smoke weed?
- yup, though I haven't seen firsthand
24. How long does it take you to shower?
- 20-30 minutes
25. What was last thing you drank?
- water
26. Do you judge people you don' t know?
- maybe yes at times but unconsciously
27. Do you know anyone who drinks a lot?
- ay sus, do I need to name them? hehe!
28. Who was the last person you had a phone convo with?
- my dad, just a short one asking if my brother had already left the house to pick us up
29. Last person you texted?
- my brother
30. Would you rather go back a week or go forward a week?
- go back. don't wanna go to work yet, huhu! :D
31. Do you have any plans tomorrow?
- yup, go back to Manila at 10 AM
32. Are you in a good mood right now?
- so-so
33. What are you listening to at the moment?
- none
34. What were you doing at midnight last night ?
- uploading Baguio pics in multiply
35. Has a boy/girl ever called you babe/baby?
- yup naman
36. Is there a guy/girl that knows everything or mostly everything about you?
- that I'm not really sure of
37. Do you believe every one deserves a second chance?
- yup but it depends...hehe!
38. How late did you stay up last night?
- 2:30 AM
39. Why?
- was uploading pics nga which took 48 years to be posted :D
40. Are you happier now? Or three months ago?
- can't really say
41. What's a happy time you've had in the past week?
- travelling from north (baguio) to south (batangas) with my family :)
42. Do you like meeting new people?
- it depends on the kind of people I'm going to meet
43. Would you like to tell someone something but can't?
- yes
44. Who's your bestfriend?
- Jesus you are my Bestfriend, and You will always be ;)
45. Have you ever tried your hardest, but got disappointed in the end?
- sadly yes
46. Do you hate the last boy/girl you were talking to?
- my mom? of course not.
47. If you could work at any clothing store, which store would you pick?
- CK? :D
48. Who was the last person’s stomach you saw?
- Ptr. Jermaine! so big na! haha!
49. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
- of course
50. Who did you hug last?
- my nephews
51. Is there something that reminds you of someone every time you see it?
- probably yes but I can't think of any right now