Dahil New Year...
...Q & A portion tayo

1. What's your name?
- Maria Gwynna Aquino Buenavides
2. What does your friend/s call you?
- Gwynna, Gwyn/Gwen, Gwynr/Gwenner, Tinky :D
3. Have you ever kissed someone with braces?
- nope (whatta "duh" question :D )
4. Who is the fourth received call on your call log?
- Raissa
5. If you could change your eye color what would it be?
- hmmm...blue! :D
6. What is the wallpaper on your desktop?
- the computer I'm using has the picture of my sister-in-law and her kids
7. How many pillows on your bed?
- 2
8. Who was the last text message you sent to?
- my bro ian
9. What color is your shirt right now?
- white
10. What was the best thing that happened to you last year?
- getting a new job at the start of the year
12. Who's the fourth person on your contacts list?
- on my phone? my eldest brother gary
13. When was the last time you cried from laughing so hard?
- kanina lang at ate cha's place with my church friends :)
14. What school did you attend in elementary?
- Gen. Tinio Central School
15. Do you have a crush?
- yup
16. Who was/were the last person/s that made you laugh?
- church friends :)
17. Do you like Quizons?
- what's that?
18. Who do you make fun of the most at school?
- I no longer go to school
19. What's the longest time you've ever talked on the phone?
- can't recall
20. Do you think you've gotten more handsome/pretty since grade school?
- dunno
21. Have you seen your bestfriend cry?
- I don't really have a "bestfriend" but I have seen close friends cry
23. Do you dance in the car?
- I'd rather dance on stage...haha!
24. What do you think of hunting and fishing?
- cool! ;)
25. Do you and your bestfriend act alike?
- N/A :D
26 . What is a noise that you cannot stand?
- snore!
27. Does your mom vacuum early in the morning, when you're sleeping?
- no
28. Are your parents in love?
- with each other? I think so cause they've been married for 37 years already. :D
29. What does your 9th txt say?
- eeeeee, ang haba eh! katamad i-type! :D but the message says options for college batch's some sort of reunion this January.
30. Who sent it?
- Chin
31. Would you rather sleep at a friend's house or have them over?
- friend's house para mas masaya :)
32. When was the last time you wrote a note, and to whom?
- can't really recall
33. Are you in love?
- yup
34. Who do you miss most?
- my Bestfriend, my Love, my Father
35. What do you smell right now?
- none
36. Do you have a hard time admitting you're wrong?
- nope
37. Who was the last person you held hands with?
- my nephew gelo :)
38. What shoes did you wear today?
- pair of chucks i borrowed from ate venus for my first driving lesson :D
39. What makes you lose your appetite?
- feeling of anxiety and anger
40. What color is your laundry basket?
- blue!
41. Last person you kissed?
- my nephew violo before i left home tonight (or last night)
42. Do you think those stores are too expensive?
- what stores?
46. Who's in your house right now?
- the whole family except for my eldest bro
45. Where are you?
- at home
47. Where did you get your last bruise from?
- can't remember
48. Where did you last go out to eat?
- McDo NLEX for breakfast
49. List three things that keeps you going in life.
- my Lord God, His love, His grace
50. Who do you miss right now?
- my Bestfriend, my Love, my Father