What I Want for My Birthday ;)
It's November already and in 23 days I'll be turning 24! Oh nooooo!

I'm not yet ready to grow older.

Anyhow, so just so people who care about me would know what would make me happy, rather joyful (I like this term better

) on my birthday, I'm posting my own what-I-want-for-my-birthday list...hehe!

Here it goes:
1. love
2. joy
3. peace
4. patience/longsuffering
5. kindness/meekness
6. goodness
7. faithfulness
8. gentleness
9. self-control/temperance
10. blue drumset (Pearl, Zildjian or Fernando

11. blue electric guitar (Squier/Fender, Gibson or Yamaha

12. blue bass guitar (Squier/Fender, Gibson or Yamaha

) OR acoustic bass
13. Adidas cross-training shoes
14. blue-grey or blue-green chucks
15. blueberry cheesecake
16. a scrapbook
17. an AVP
18. someone's used NIV or KJV Bible
19. answered prayer/s
20. 2 Jars of Clay albums --
Furthermore: From the Studio/From the Stage and
Redemption Songs21. trip to CamSur or Camiguin

22. Olympus 850 SW (blue) or 1050 SW (black)

23. aerodance class registration/monthly fee at Fitness First/Slimmers World (or any dance school

24. prayers for me

There are some more but I just limited them to 24 which corresponds to my age on my birthday this year. And I don't wanna sound so abusive. hahaha!