JoC Update!
From Jars of Clay's website (
New Music (It's What We Do)
Hey friends -
We're proud to announce the release of our new EP Closer! Here's the scoop:
3 new songs - including the recently released as a sneak peak "Closer." A new track called "Safe to Land" and "Prisoner of Hope," which we used as end title credits to the movie "Sons of Lwala."
Also included are 2 favorites that we've reworked. "Flood" and "Lovesong for a Savior" have been given new life with this rerecording. It's something we've wanted to do for some time, to give the songs some different production, while keeping the soul of the songs we've loved for many years now. We hope you dig the re-interpretations!

Lastly, check out the art work - it's a collaboration between our fine lead singer Dan and our extremely talented friend Christy Little who worked on the artwork for the Christmas Songs album. There are many lyrical nods to the song Closer in it - we're all fans.

So - go get some new Jars music! And hang on for the full length record to release in early '09!
Weeeeeee!!!! I'm sooooooo excited!!!

Really curious about the new sound of "Flood" and "Love Song for a Savior" -- two of my faves from their very first album
Jars of Clay! Was actually trying to listen to the new EP songs from their
myspace site but I wonder why they weren't playing. I mean I could barely hear anything. Maybe something's wrong with our net connection. I'll just retry some other time anyway.
Anyhoo, just something that made me swoon


Steve Mason on his guitar
