At the Right Time
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
I’ve been asked this question several times during my job interviews. It just feels a bit awkward being asked something personal or private. I honestly answer it though when they ask. And just recently, another employer threw me this question.
Employer: It’s indicated here that you are single.
Me: Yes, Ma’am.
Employer: But do you have a boyfriend?
Me: Yes, I have a boyfriend.
Employer: Do you have plans of getting married?
Me (extremely surprised): Uhm, yes, but not soon. It’s something that is really serious and something to be prepared for. Currently, I’m still not ready for it. Probably after 5 years I’ll settle down.
Whew. I was put on the spot! I never thought that would be part of the interview. :D
So, 5 years. Yes, 5 more years before a make a vow with someone, if God wills (so Mommy, there’s nothing to worry about, okay? :D ).
Why this long? Because I believe, and this is what God has been telling me, that this is enough time for Him to prepare me emotionally, spiritually and financially and to prepare also the heart of the person that He wants me to spend my life with forever. Also, God wants me to become a “complete” person when I face my “Adam” at the altar and His process of piecing me together will take time. And there’s a lot of things that He still wants me to learn that would enable me to become a worthy woman to my future lifetime partner.
Therefore, I’m not in a hurry to have those wedding bells even if people have been seriously asking me when. I don’t worry about it either. Because God makes things beautiful and perfect in His own perfect time.
Lord, would it be possible to get no extension on the timing please? :D
Thanks to Joshua Harris and in-their-thirties-but-still-single friends for inspiring me and giving me hope. :)