Q and A from Friendster ulit:
1) Where did you begin 2007?
- at home in Nueva Ecija
2) What was your status by Valentine's Day?
- in a relationship ;)
3) Were you in school (anytime this year)?
- nope, employed already
4) How did you earn your money?
- by being an MR slave...huhu! :D
5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
- thank God no despite series of OTs and overnights. Tibay ko! hehe!
6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
- none, mabuting mamamayan ako...hihi!
7) Where did you go on holiday?
- Baguio, my first and last for the whole year of 2007. Loser! :D
8) What did you purchase that was over $1000?
- I didn't even have that much money!
9) Did you know anybody who got married?
- yup, ate laiza/neil and emong/jeff, same date pa :D
10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
- yes, my aunt last December 4
12) Did you travel anywhere?
- yup, Baguio for leisure and Davao for work
14) What concerts/shows did you go to?
- naku, can no longer recall
15) Are you registered to vote?
- yes
16) Favorite reality tv show?
- America's Next Top Model :D
17) Where do you live now?
- in Pasig
18) Describe your birthday?
- happy because I was able to celebrate it with family and friends who I missed spending my past birthdays with, and sad because wala siya (hmmp!) and my aunt was already dying of cancer
19) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2007?
- get a new job ;)
20) What has been your favorite moment?
- quiet moments with God in my room
21) What's something you learned about yourself?
- that I can do it pala ;)
22) Any new additions to your family?
- wala pa. kelan kaya magkakaroon? :D
23.) What was your best month?
- December
24.) What music will you remember 2007 by?
- there's a lot eh
25) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
- hindi po ako manginginom :D
26) Made new friends?
- yes
27) New best friend?
- it has always been JC!
28) Favorite Night out?
- can't recall
29) Favorite Movie of 07?
- none in particular
30) Favorite time-killer of 07?
- spending time alone
JoC Album Hunting
Look what I've got! Jars of Clay's
If I Left the Zoo album! Yey!

If not for my spontaneous decision to pass by House of Praise when I was in Megamall, I won't be able to get my much-sought-for copy of this album.

All the while I thought it has already run out of stock but I was really fortunate to be able to find one and mine was the last copy na daw. I also got it at a much lower price 'cause it was sale. Hihi! Plus I have my HoP membership card so I got another discount. Hehe!

I have not fully listened to the album but I already picked my favorite songs and these are U
nforgetful You, No One Loves Me Like You, Sad Clown, Can't Erase It and
Grace. I'm still savoring the other songs from the album.

I still have one to hunt:
Redemption Songs. I don't think I'd have difficulty looking for this one.

I Want a Guy...

Actually, what I want is that someone in the last sentence. Never mind the others.
Tanong at Sagot
Q and A from Friendster.
1. Have you ever said, you'll never love again?
- Nope. I'm always full of hope. :D
2. Is there anything bothering u right now?
- Yes, a lot.
3. Is there something you wanna let go of?
- Admittedly, yes.
4. Do the old songs you had in your past really remind you of the memories?
- Nope, not at all.
5. How do you learn to forget?
- I pray :)
6. Is crying a sign of weakness?
- It’s a sign that you need to pour your heart out.
7. Do you always regret?
- A couple of times.
8. Do you believe that absence makes the heart grow fonder?
- Yes, as long as there is trust.
9. Do you believe that you have a guardian angel?
- I believe that I have God.
10. Do you find your ex's new gf/bf good looking?
- Huh? Kebs ko naman dun!
11. What will you do if you're stuck in the elevator with someone you don't like?
- Nothing.
12. Have you ever wanted someone but you can’t have him/her?
- Next question please
13. Have you ever said 'I love you' but you lied?
- Next question please :D
14. Would you ever want to go back in the past?
- Yes.
15. Do you really wanna please every body?
- Not everybody, only those people who are worth to please.
16. Is waiting ever okay?
- Yes, kaya lang…
17. Right now, where do you wanna be?
- in Nueva Ecija
18. When is enough, enough?
- When all you feel is pain already and you no longer grow as a person anymore
19. What are you so sick and tired of?
- sa’min na lang ni Lord yun…
20. What made you smile today?
- God’s love
21. Is looking good important?
- Yes, but feeling good is more important
22. Do you listen to love songs when you’re down?
- Yes, love songs for God (that is, Christian songs)
23. What are you thankful for?
- So many things. God’s faithfulness and grace and many more.
24. Do you believe in forever?
- Yes, as I've said, I'm full of hope. :D
25. What are your plans for the weekend?
- next weekend? Go home to Nueva Ecija! :)
26. Do you say sorry first?
- If I’m the one who has hurt the person.
27. Do you believe that married couples should still go out on a date?
- Yes, with each other :)
28. Has someone promised you something and broke it?
- I’m not sure
29. Do you want to go out of the country?
- Oo naman!
30. Has somebody given you a ring?
- Yes, nag-tarnish na. :D
At the Right Time
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
I’ve been asked this question several times during my job interviews. It just feels a bit awkward being asked something personal or private. I honestly answer it though when they ask. And just recently, another employer threw me this question.
Employer: It’s indicated here that you are single.
Me: Yes, Ma’am.
Employer: But do you have a boyfriend?
Me: Yes, I have a boyfriend.
Employer: Do you have plans of getting married?
Me (extremely surprised): Uhm, yes, but not soon. It’s something that is really serious and something to be prepared for. Currently, I’m still not ready for it. Probably after 5 years I’ll settle down.
Whew. I was put on the spot! I never thought that would be part of the interview. :D
So, 5 years. Yes, 5 more years before a make a vow with someone, if God wills (so Mommy, there’s nothing to worry about, okay? :D ).
Why this long? Because I believe, and this is what God has been telling me, that this is enough time for Him to prepare me emotionally, spiritually and financially and to prepare also the heart of the person that He wants me to spend my life with forever. Also, God wants me to become a “complete” person when I face my “Adam” at the altar and His process of piecing me together will take time. And there’s a lot of things that He still wants me to learn that would enable me to become a worthy woman to my future lifetime partner.
Therefore, I’m not in a hurry to have those wedding bells even if people have been seriously asking me when. I don’t worry about it either. Because God makes things beautiful and perfect in His own perfect time.
Lord, would it be possible to get no extension on the timing please? :D
Thanks to Joshua Harris and in-their-thirties-but-still-single friends for inspiring me and giving me hope. :)
Sink n' Swim
Sink n' Swim
I lost it all
You got it back
Believed in me
When I gave up on myself again
A sudden rain
Revealed your face
I knew right then
No matter where I go I'd
Have your hand to hold
We will sink and
We will swim
'Til the ocean turns to sand
We will laugh
We will cry
'Til there's no more breath inside
Cause we will sink
We will swim
I was,
A tender reed
Bent in the wind
And then the storm had passed
And you helped me stand upright again
So here we are
Nothing to lose
So take my hand
We'll jump right in
The water's warm
Its time to live
We will sink and
We will swim
'Til the ocean turns to sand
We will laugh
We will cry
'Til there's no more breath inside
Cause we will sink
We will swim
It doesn't rain
For nothing
It will shine
For you
We will sink
We will swim
Til' the ocean turns to sand
We will laugh
We will cry
Til' there's no more breath inside
we will sink
We will swim